I've been remaking everything! Come check out the new site!

Important announcement!

In case you haven't gotten the message already, I've been re-making this entire site! All links now go to their equivalent pages on the new site, other than Bean Clicker. In Bean Clicker I've added a button to transfer your save to the new site. This domain (sethh.net) will be gone on August 8th, so update your bookmarks! Over time I will update the old pages for the new site, but for now I am hosting a copy of the old site (this one) at https://canvas.blue/old-site.

Here's the new site: https://canvas.blue

Bean Clicker
Multiplayer Drawing
The Sussy Quiz
Game of Life
Color Screen
Infinite Boxes
Web Games
Seizure Generator
Boring Ahh
Math Game
A Not Great Talking Ben Clone
Name Generators
WM Nav (Experimental)
Classic Home